Faith and Friendship: A Q&A with Strategic Management Major Aleah Applin ’27 | Stories & News | Visit & Engage | Undergraduate Admissions

Some students recognize Aleah Applin ’27 as Notre Dame’s sophomore class president. Others know the strategic management major as a member of Harmonia A Cappella. All, though, know her because of her Christ-centered zeal for life. In this Q&A, the Pasquerilla West Hall resident from Wimuama, Florida details how her faith as a non-Catholic Christian has defined her Notre Dame experience thus far.
Some responses have been edited for clarity.
How did you feel coming to Notre Dame as someone who is not Catholic?
At first, I was really nervous, but I found a great church nearby and a Christian community on campus. I also learned a lot more about the Catholic faith from the friends I made, and that made me much more comfortable.
What groups have you gotten involved with on campus to practice your faith? What are they like?
I have gotten involved with Iron Sharpens Iron (ISI), an interdenominational Christian group on campus. ISI is an amazing place where I get to grow my faith alongside growing my community here at Notre Dame. We meet every week at 10:00 p.m. in Coleman Morse, which is pretty late, but we want everyone to be able to join regardless of classes or clubs. There are other events we do throughout the week, such as Sunday Night of Worship (SNOW) and Bible Study, that I enjoy as well.

Where do you go for Sunday Worship? What is the Notre Dame Community like there?
I attend Redemption City Church, which my mom found for me when we came for admitted students weekend back in the spring of 2023! We have about 25 students who attend regularly and that number is growing. We do ride shares so that no one has to pay to go to Church. The logistics for ride shares is something we are continually working on to improve, but I am so honored to be a part of working towards the best solution.
How have you found community through faith on campus?
I have found community predominantly through ISI, but also in my dorm. I love talking about faith and many girls in my dorm have asked me a lot of questions about my journey with Christ.
What advice do you have for prospective and incoming students who are not Catholic but still want to live out their faith?
What was most important to me about the school I attended was that I felt God calling me to it. If this is where God has called you to be, don’t let fear or nervousness stop you from being where you are called. I also tell anyone who asks that I can feel God is working in so many ways at Notre Dame. The administration puts God at the forefront of what happens here and I think that makes Notre Dame so unique.
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